marți, 22 ianuarie 2013

Sabrina's review: Ordinary Magic by Caitlen Rubino - Bradway


I received this book free from the author in exchange of a honest review. Thank you very much, Caitlen!

At the begining, when Abby found out that she's an "ord", I thought that she will start to cry and everybody will support her. I thought that she'll go at that special school and she will learn history and other uninteresting things and she will have boyfriends, but I was wrong. Abigail Hale is a very brave and powerful girl, and her family treated her like she was theirs, even though she was "nothing". Everybody considered her family worthy of respect and when they found out that Abby doesn't have magical powers, they started to be distant. Even her classmates, even her teacher looked at her with contempt. What they did was bad, but Abby ignored them, therefor she didn't care. And when she arrived at her school in Rothermere, everything seemed normal. But the danger started to appear - the hungry goblins were hunting the ords and two adventurers - Barbarian Mike and Trixie - wanted to kidnap Abby. So when they had the opportunity to kidnap Abby, they did it. But the girl was very brave and I started to admire her for that.

My rating: 5/5

My opinion

The story was very interesting and, even though at the begining it didn't seem quite unique, I really liked it. There were moments when I was kept in suspense and moments when I laughed a lot. My favorites characters were the members of the Hale family. Everyone had something special; but I adored Gil from the very first moment. His jokes were making me smile every time and the fact that he was a writer impressed me. Also, Alexa, her bigger sister, was very nice. Plus, she was serving King Steve, so she was very powerful, smart and always prepared to replace her mother when both Abby and Alexa were far away from home.
Abby is a really nice character; she immediately managed to make some friends and I was really surprised when she offered to work (a lot) in the kitchen, for the entire school year without any complaints. She proved that she was very diligent and she accepted to spend her free time in the kitchen, washing dishes.

Oh, and another thing I loved about this book?
Flying carpets. I love flying carpets and I'm always going to love them.

I really like the fact that the humor was mixed with the action and magic and I enjoyed reading Abby's story. I love that, sometimes, there were some funny breaks in which the funny characters were involved (like Gil, of course). Okay, maybe Abby was making me laugh too, but Gil...
It would be awesome if I would have two brothers like Jeremy and Gil. Though, I'm really sorry for Abby. I wish she had magical powers. But then, the story would have been too ordinary, right?

Anyway, "Ordinary Magic is a book that really deserves five stars and you should read it. I hope that Caitlen will write a sequel, because this book really deserves one and I'm really curious what happens next.



 La inceput, cand am aflat ca Abby este un "ord", am crezut ca o sa inceapa sa planga si ca toata lumea o sa o sustina. Am crezut ca va merge la acea scoala speciala si ca va invata istorie si multe lucruri neinteresante si ca va avea iubiti, insa m-am inselat. Abigail Hale este o fata curajoasa si puternica, iar familia ei a tratat-o ca pe una de-a lor, chiar daca era un nimic. Toata lumea i-a considerat familia demna de respect, insa imediat cum s-a aflat ca Abby nu are puteri magice, acestia i-au indepartat. Chiar si colegii ei de la scoala, chiar si profesoara a privit-o cu dezgust. Era urat ceea ce faceau, insa Abby a fost puternica si nu i-a pasat, iar cand a ajuns la scoala, totul parea sa fie perfect normal. Insa pericolele au inceput sa apara - goblinii infometati ii pandeau si doi aventurieri isi doreau sa o rapeasca pe Abby. Asa ca, atunci cand au avut ocazia sa o faca, au profitat de ea. Insa fata a fost foarte curajoasa si am ajuns sa o admir pentru acest lucru.

Nota mea: 5/5

Parerea mea

Povestea a fost foarte interesanta si, desi la inceput nu mi s-a parut ceva foarte deosebit, a ajuns sa imi placa foarte mult. Au fost momente in care am fost tinuta in suspans si mi-a placut. Personajele mele preferate au fost de departe membrii familiei Hale. Fiecare a avut ceva aparte; insa l-am adorat pe Gil din prima clipa. Glumele lui ma faceau imediat sa zambesc si faptul ca era scriitor m-a impresionat. De asemenea, si Alexa, sora ei cea mai mare, s-a dovediat a fi foarte de treaba. Plus ca il slujea pe regele Steve, deci era puternica si desteapta si mereu pregatita sa ii ia locul mamei sale, atunci cand cele doua erau departe de casa.
Abby e un personaj foarte de treaba; a reusit sa-si faca imediat prieteni. M-a mirat si faptul ca fata a fost de acord sa munceasca extrem de mult in bucatarie pe tot parcursul anului fara sa comenteze. S-a dovedit a fi foarte harnica si s-a hotarat sa isi piarda timpul liber in bucatarie, spaland vase.

Oh, si inca un lucru pe care l-am iubit la aceasta carte?
Covoare zburatoare. Iubesc covoarele zburatoare si mereu le voi iubi.

Chiar mi-a placut faptul ca umorul a fost combinat cu actiunea si magia si mi-a facut placere sa citesc povestea lui Abby. Ador ca, uneori, sa mai fie si acele pauze amuzante in care intervine unul dintre personajele amuzante cu glumele lui. Bine, si Abby era amuzanta, insa Gil...
Cred ca ar fi tare sa am si eu doi frati ca Jeremy si Gil. Totusi, imi pare rau pentru Abby. Mi-as fi dorit ca povestea sa aiba o alta intorsatura. Dar totusi, asa chiar ar fi fost ordinara, nu?

 In concluzie, "Ordinary Magic" este o carte care categoric merita cinci stele si pe care nu trebuie sa o ratati. Sper ca (,) Caitlen va scrie o continuare, pentru ca aceasta carte categoric merita una si sunt tare curioasa ce se va intampla in continuare.

duminică, 20 ianuarie 2013

Castigatorii concursurilor!

La concursul Cicada, adica acesta:

Castigatorea este:
Calota Iulia

Iulia, trimite pe adresa ta completa, cu mentiunea ca esti castigatoarea concursului Cicada. Iar in campul cc introdu adresa

Aveti aici numele celor inscrisi(de pe toate cele 3 bloguri) si intrarile:
 (click pe imagine sa se mareasca)

Iar la concursul de 2 ani, care avea ca premiu 3 serii in format ebook, am decis ca toata lumea sa fie castigatoare. Deci, cei care v-ati inscris(am verificat si sunt 10 persoane), vor primi cate un set.
Trebuie doar sa-mi trimiteti un mail cu seria aleasa, la adresa

joi, 17 ianuarie 2013

Cover and Blurb reveal: Firefly(Cicada#2), by Belle Whittington



“The darkest days are ahead of us,” Andrew whispered as the drape of shadows slipped away, allowing Blair to awaken.  And in her heart of hearts she knew it was true. The unmistakable signs were all around her, growing within her.  She was becoming something more than human. All she could do was accept the inevitable.

“I’ve become a freak … an alien. I no longer belong to the human world,” Blair told her true love, and he held her close, determined never to give her up.

“I’d stay in this darkness forever as long as I could be with you.  Wherever you are … that’s my home.” Everett meant every word.  In fact, he’d willingly give up his own life to protect the girl he’d always loved.

But there was a storm brewing … a firestorm so strong and catastrophic that it could keep them apart forever.

That storm roared into town wearing a brown leather bomber jacket and riding a motorcycle.

Ash was like a secret in human clothing … a dangerous secret.  Everything about him was mesmerizing – right down to the swirls of ink that flowed over the smooth muscles across his chest and around his arms.  Being with him was like playing with fire.

Blair knew all about playing with fire.

She knew something else, too.  A small quiet voice deep within whispered that she really would be separated from everyone and everything she’d known and loved.

Because some secrets run too deep.

About Belle:

Belle Whittington

Belle resides somewhere north of Houston, Texas in a small inconsequential town with the smallest most inconsequential name. There in the shady reaches of the pines, elms, and oaks, she daydreams of adventures and secrets that she weaves throughout her stories.  She studied literature at University of Houston and has been known to consider the idea of becoming a professor of English someday.

Belle Whittington’s social networking sites:

Links to buy:
Firefly will be available here after release date.

You can win these amazing swags by entering THE RAFFLECOPER GIVEAWAY
Swag Pack

marți, 15 ianuarie 2013

The Shadow Tour: Interviu cu Adrian Lupsa&Giveaway

1.       Buna, Adrian! Ma bucur mult ca ai acceptat acest interviu si ca prin intermediul lui, cititorii vor afla mai multe despre tine si cartea ta. In primul rand, spune-ne ceva despre tine si cartea scrisa de tine, Necessary Evil.
Am 21 de ani, sunt din Constanţa şi sunt student la Facultatea de Matematică şi Informatică la Universitatea Ovidius. Necessary Evil este un roman despre o adolescentă ai cărei părinţi pleacă într-o călătorie. În momentul în care rămâne singură acasă decide să dea o petrecere cu prietenii ei, dar după acest eveniment lucruri ciudate încep să se întâmple în casa ei. Christine încearcă să descopere ce se întâmplă şi în acelaşi timp vrea să regăsească liniştea de odinioară. Pe măsură ce caută răspunsuri pentru întrebările ei, ea porneşte într-o aventură care îi va schimba viaţa.

2.       Ti-a luat mult sa te hotarasti sa scrii aceasta carte? Cam in cat timp a fost gata?
Am început să scriu un short story şi când am terminat nu am fost mulţumit de rezultat. Atunci m-am decis să scriu o carte mai amplă şi am terminat totul cam într-o lună.

3.       A existat vreo sursa de inspiratie, un impuls care sa te faca sa spui: ‘’Gata, incep sa scriu cartea asta!’’ ?
Am început să scriu această poveste pentru că la sfârşit îmi doream să am un short story pe care să-l public undeva pe Internet şi să aflu părerea oamenilor din întreaga lume. Ideile le-am avut de la început.

4.       Titlul cartii, Necessary Evil, poate fi considerat un motiv anticipativ al actiunii romanului?
Titlu chiar are legătură cu acţiunea şi această legătură este dezvăluită la finalul cărţii.

5.       Imi imaginez ca fiecare scriitor are o perioada de initiere in tainele lecturii, care mai apoi il fac sa-si doreasca sa scrie. Care au fost printre primele lecturi care te-au influentat?
Nu pot numi în acest moment un autor sau o carte, dar ştiu sigur că autorii pe care i-am citit până acum mi-au influenţat şi îmbunătăţit stilul de a scrie.

6.       Cand ai stabilit ca vei scrie un roman?
Când mi-am dat seama că short story-ul pe care îl scrisesem iniţial nu era ceea ce îmi doream. Acţiunea era mult prea concentrată şi am simţit că am mai mult de povestit.

7.       Dintre personajele romanului, care este preferatul tau?
Cred că personajul meu favorit este Alexandra, pentru că este o prietenă bună şi este lângă Christine atunci când ea are nevoie.

8.       Fanii genului fantastic s-au obisnuit in ultimul timp sa citeasca despre vampiri, varcolaci, vrajitoare si altele. Vor intalni si in cartea ta fiinte supranaturale, sau se vor desfata cu un alt tip de fantasy?
Nu există vampiri, vârcolaci sau alte fiinţe similare în carte, şi prin urmare încerc să aduc ceva nou pe piaţă, ceva interesant. În schimb există alte elemente fantasy care vor ţine cititorii în suspans.

9.       Ai intampinat dificultati in scrierea romanului? Daca da, da-ne cateva exemple.
Au fost câteva momente în care am rămas în pană de idei, dar pur şi simplu am luat o pauză şi ideile au revenit şi pur şi simplu am continuat să scriu.

10.   Ai vreun sfat pe care ai dori sa-l acorzi celor care vor sa faca acest pas marunt in lumea mare a scriitorilor?
Nu contează ce se întâmplă, să continue să scrie şi să nu renunţe niciodată la visurile lor.

11.   Iti multumesc foarte mult pentru ca ti-ai facut timp sa raspunzi intrebarilor mele. Ai vreun mesaj pentru cititori?
Îţi mulţumesc pentru că ai acceptat invitaţia mea de a participa la acest book tour şi de asemenea vreau să le mulţumesc tuturor pentru sprijin şi sper să le placă această carte.

Despre Necessary Evil:

At almost eighteen years, Christine considers herself an adult, a grown woman, with her own principles and ideas about life, ready for every challenge that she would have to face. Or at least this is what she thinks. When her parents go on a business trip, Christine decides to invite the most handsome boy in school in her house. 
After a party with her friends, strange things start happening in the Taylor’s house. The girl tries to find out what is going on and in the same time wants to have a normal life along with her friends. Christine discovers a connection between the silhouettes inside her house and the dreams she has lately, but will she be able to regain peace knowing that she must release a greater evil?

Despre Adrian Lupsa:
 Adrian Lupşa currently resides in Romania with his family. He is a student at the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Constantza, but in his free time he enjoys reading and writing. Adrian had written short stories since he was a child, but encouraged by the many authors with whom he came in contact, he decided to face the world and write his debut novel.

a Rafflecoptergiveaway

Cicada Holiday Short Story

Salutari, dragii mei! Belle a scris pentru voi o mica povestioara Cicada de Sarbatori, iar eu o impartasesc cu voi, sperand ca o sa va placa! :D

 Christmas in our small, inconsequential, southeast Texas town is usually a cold and rainy time of the year. In retrospect, the snow and sleet that covered everything, including the haunted forest, in a blanket of white must have been a harbinger that everything was about to change. However, at the time we thought it was a good omen. At the time we thought that all the sadness of losing our father and brother would finally disappear and we could recall the memories of Christmases past without shedding tears or hiding the pain under a pillow at night when all the rest of the world had fallen asleep, dreaming of sugar-plums and Santa Clause.
And so we filled Sprinkles with the spicy, sweet aromas of Christmas, drawing in customers with candy canes painted on the front windows and strings of twinkling lights swirling around the shrubs in front of Mom’s bakery. Giant gingerbread men dangled from the branches of the Norfolk pine tree that Andrew had bought at the Willis Boy Scout Christmas tree lot, and strands of popcorn and gumdrops adorned the tree, forming giant Ws from the blinking star on the top to the piles of the deceptively-wrapped empty boxes stacked beneath the decorated boughs.
Mom closed the bakery early on Christmas Eve. Most of the regular customers had already picked up their boxes of decorated, spicy gingerbread men or bags of sugar-sprinkled Christmas cookies, so there was no reason to stay open when we had a party to prepare for at home.
I’ll always remember how weird Everett had behaved the days leading up to Christmas. Well…weirder than usual, I should say. But it was a good kind of weird, just like all of his weirdness was. When Mom and I arrived at home from the bakery, he was already there, attempting to shovel the newly-fallen snow from the driveway and sidewalk. Mom tooted the horn on the van, and he spun around, raising a hand to wave at us. He slipped on the ice and tumbled off the top step onto the snowman he and Andrew had made earlier.
“Bug Boy, you’ve killed the snowman!” I giggled, bounding out of the van and offering to give him a hand.
“I’ll build a new one…just for you,” He pulled me down into the snow with him. Tumbling off the mound that had formed the base of the snowman, I landed on my back and Everett on his elbow above me. “I’d do anything for you,” his blue eyes blinked behind his foggy, snow-covered glasses.
I caught myself stroking the side of his face with my gloved hand and a strange sensation sprang to life inside of my stomach, twirling and growing rapidly. “Everett…” I whispered, my breath hanging in the air around us like a mysterious fog.
Before I could say anything else, a snowball thrown by Andrew plastered across the side of Everett’s head. He was immediately on his feet pulling me up with him. The snowball fight that followed was epic!
By the time we were frozen to the bone, Mom was calling us to come inside for hot chocolate topped with fluffs of whipped cream and crushed candy cane bits. A fire burned brightly in the fireplace, and the twinkling Christmas tree lights reflected blurred colorful dots across the walls and ceiling.
“The guests will arrive soon,” Mom said as she plopped a platter of cookies on the coffee table in front of us. “Better grab a cookie while you can. They are fresh out of the oven!”
Everett shoved a chocolate chip cookie in his mouth and mumbled something that sounded like, “omnomnomnom…”
“I better go clean up before everyone gets here,” Andrew said, looking down at his sweatshirt smudged with motor oil from working on his pickup truck.
After he left the living room, Everett rushed to the stack of presents under the tree and plucked a small one from behind a very large green-foil-wrapped gift that was in the obvious shape of a guitar. The tag on the larger present proved what I was thinking. It was to Andrew from Everett. I giggled and shook my head as he made his way back to the couch and sat down next to me.
“This is for you,” he pushed his glasses up with his index finger and handed me the small present that had been concealed behind the large, foil-wrapped guitar. “Open it.”
“Now?” I looked at the square present bundled in striped paper and bound with a bundle of ribbons way too big for a box that size.
“Yes!” He nodded, smiling. “While we’re alone.”
I untangled the ribbon that had been wrapped around the package multiple times and ripped the paper off. Before I could register what it was, Everett blurted out, “It’s an iPod! You said you wanted one, remember? A few months ago…we were at the mall and someone walked by with headphones in, and you said you wanted one.”
“Oh, my gosh! Everett! But it cost so much! You didn’t have to do this!” I said while opening the box to reveal the shiny mp3 player.
“Turn it over,” he said, while guiding my hand. “I had it engraved. See? It says ‘To Blair. From Bug Boy. And I just had that little heart put on there. It’s no big deal. Just a little heart.” He pushed his glasses up again and smiled.
That weird sensation swirled again in my stomach, like fireflies fluttering around a glowing candle. “It’s so pretty, Everett!” I turned it over in my hand once more, stroking the engraving and the little heart. “It’s perfect. Thank you.” Those last two words were almost a whisper.
I meant to turn my face back toward him and hug him. But he was quicker. He placed one hand on my right cheek and his lips found their way to my left one, kissing me once…twice…moving closer to my lips…when…Andrew walked in and cleared his throat, completely ruining the moment.
“Uh…it’s snowing again and David and Natalie just pulled in,” he ran his hand through his ruffled brown hair and stammered awkwardly. “Just thought you’d want to know.”
“Oh, okay,” I blushed, looking anywhere but at my big brother. Andrew walked out, leaving Everett and me alone once more.
“You have to wait to open my present,” I smiled, looking up into Everett’s bright eyes.
A wide smile blazed across his face, speaking more than I could discern. It contained a double-meaning that I couldn’t figure out. So I did the safe thing and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and turned to go to the kitchen where the guests were beginning to congregate.
David’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hargrave, arrived shortly after he and Natalie. Mrs. Hargrave was carrying a large, red poinsettia, and Mr. Hargrave had a bottle of wine in one hand and a box of cigars in the other. They were Grandpa’s favorite cigars, and he slapped Mr. Hargrave on the back while inviting him into the living room for a smoke.
Grandma, dressed in a Christmas sweater and jingle bell earrings, poured more hot chocolate into mugs while shaking her head. She’d been trying to get Grandpa to stop smoking for years, and she had recently gotten him to cut way back on the cigars. He’d usually chewed on a short cigar without ever lighting up. But judging by how quickly he retrieved a lighter from his shirt pocket, it looked like he planned on lighting one up.
Natalie was carrying a brightly-decorated gift bag stuffed with tissue paper and a small stack of Christmas cards, each decorated with a candy cane. She hugged me and stuffed the handles of the gift bag into my hand telling me that it was for me. Then, the excitement got the best of her, and she blurted out that she’d gotten me a manicure kit and some holiday-scented bubble bath. I hugged her and thanked her, knowing that I must appear to be a complete heathen compared to her perfectly-manicured self.
Everett’s dad, Mr. Forster, arrived just as Mom was getting the ham out of the oven. He exclaimed how he was starving and was glad that he’d arrived just in time and plopped a tattered paper bag on the counter just before the bottom ripped open. He reached into the bag and pulled out a vegetable tray, a fruit tray, and a bottle of apple cider. He’d just made a stop by Kroger on his way to our house from the university where he taught history.
As Mom was crumpling the tattered paper bag to toss it into the kitchen trash, Mr. Forster reached into his coat and quickly produced a leather-bound book. He slipped it into Mom’s apron pocket as if to keep from calling attention from the others in the room. Too late. Even though no one else noticed, I did. And I also noticed how Mom nodded and left the room, with her hand stuffed into her apron pocket, and headed for Dad’s study. I made a mental note to search for that little book as soon as I got the chance.
Andrew began singing Deck the Halls really loud and snapped me back into the moment. Before I knew it, David had joined in and Mom, Grandpa, and Mr. Hargrave had returned to the kitchen, singing along. So I had no choice but to add my voice to the chorus, however out of tune it was. I glanced behind me to see that Everett was still wearing that same broad, goofy smile on his face while singing.
I giggled, knowing there would be a time when I would hold onto that memory. Knowing that one memory, surrounded by loved ones in the kitchen on Christmas Eve, with that smile on Everett’s face would get me through a tough time…
Little did I know that it wouldn’t be that far in the future that I would grasp onto that one memory to keep me in the present and give me hope. Little did I know on that snowy, wintry Christmas Eve, that one day, a year from now, I would find myself lying bloody and broken on the jungle floor in South America, grappling with whether I should give up or try to fight for my life. Little did I know that one memory would make me choose to fight…

Cum vi se pare? :D

miercuri, 9 ianuarie 2013

Doi. 2 cuvinte. O pereche. 2 ani. La multi ani! ...Si CONCURS!

O cifra poate semnifica multe. Vezi peste tot exemple in acest sens, mai ales in cazul cifrei 2, care semnifica dualitatea, asa e?
Intotdeauna se creeaza perechi. Sufletele pereche, fraza magica ''te iubesc'' este formata din 2 cuvinte, pentru procreere e nevoie de 2[numai Alex Velea se incapataneaza sa ne spuna ca dragostea se face-n minim doi, desi stim foarte bine ca ar trebui sa fie in maxim doi. :D ], si mereu sunt 2 fete care merg impreuna la toaleta.
[ :)) ].
Putem continua pana maine cu exemple de acest gen, dar ce vroiam de fapt sa spun e ca pentru acest blog cifra 2 are o alta semnificatie.[Aici e permisa dragostea in minim doi, fara nicio suparare. :))]

 Vroiam sa ajung la faptul ca astazi este ziua [THE day], in care acest blog implineste 2 ani. :)
Stiu, v-am luat ca din oala, cred ca nu aveati idee, dar asa comoda m-am simtit in ultimul timp.... Credeti-ma... :)) Sunt inca in spiritul sarbatorilor. Si apoi, doi-ul nu e decat o cifra pe care sper sa o cresc cu timpul, sa o dublez sau chiar sa o triplez, daca imprejurarile vor fi in favoarea blogului. :D
Multumesc celor care au revenit pe blog si cand au fost zile bune si cand au fost zile mai rele, celor care mi-au fost alaturi cu o vorba buna, celor care au apreciat cand a fost de apreciat si mai ales pentru ajutorul oferit le multumesc colegelor si prietenelor Laura(sprijinul meu) si Sabrina. 

La multi ani, si... va astept sa sarbatorim! :D

Deschidem seria de concursuri cu un concurs cu ebook-uri in limba romana!

Premii mai jos, pentru inscriere in concurs, inscrieti-va prin GFC si comentati cu nickname-ul. Share-ul nu este obligatoriu, desi apreciez nespus de mult daca este facut, sa afle mai multa lume. :o3 
 Castigator afisat sambata, 12 ianuarie. Terminat. :))

Premiul 1: seria Damnare, de Lauren Kate
(3 volume: Damnare, Ratacire, Pasiune)

Premiul 2: seria Ingerul noptii, de Becca Fitzpatrick
(3 volume: Ingerul noptii, Crescendo, Tacere)

 Premiul 3: seria Sange Albastru, de Melissa de la Cruz
(3 volume: Sange Albastru, Bal mascat, Revelatii)
Castigatorii vor fi alesi prin, urmand ca premiile sa fie impartite in ordinea extragerii. Succes tuturor! :D


The Shadow Tour! Necessary Evil, by Adrian Lupsa!

Proaspat lansatul si tanarul scriitor roman Adrian Lupsa, autorul romanului Necessary Evil, desfasoara in perioada 7 ianuarie - 20 ianuarie un book tour de promovare al acestei carti. Va anunt ca si acest blog ia parte la acest book tour si ca pe data de 15 ianuarie 2013 veti avea ocazia sa cititi un interviu cu Adrian, folositor mai ales celor care se gandesc sa intre in lumea scriitorilor. :> Totodata, veti putea sa-i puneti chiar voi intrebari, prin comentarii. :)

 Va asteptam atunci! Intre timp, puteti arunca un ochi peste postarile celorlalte bloguri, daca doriti sa aflati mai multe! :)

Book Tour Schedule:

At almost eighteen years, Christine considers herself an adult, a grown woman, with her own principles and ideas about life, ready for every challenge that she would have to face. Or at least this is what she thinks. When her parents go on a business trip, Christine decides to invite the most handsome boy in school in her house. 
After a party with her friends, strange things start happening in the Taylor’s house. The girl tries to find out what is going on and in the same time wants to have a normal life along with her friends. Christine discovers a connection between the silhouettes inside her house and the dreams she has lately, but will she be able to regain peace knowing that she must release a greater evil?

XOXO, O seara placuta tuturor!

Fan-arturi noi Cicada!

Laura a realizat inca o serie de fan-arturi Cicada, care mie imi plac foarte mult. Deja incep sa o vad pe Amanda Seyfried in rolul lui Blair. :> Voi ce ziceti?

Impresii? :> :D

Amintiti-va de carti! :)

Noi randuri de reduceri pe rafturile librariei online Libris! Daca doriti sa vedeti mai multe detalii, dati click pe imagine. :)

sâmbătă, 5 ianuarie 2013

De vanzare!

Pentru ca ocupa spatiu degeaba in biblioteca si pentru ca nu sunt genul care sa citeasca a doua oara o carte, am decis sa scot la vanzare urmatoarele carti:

Divergent-Veronica Roth – 30 lei
Predestinati-Josephine Angelini – 30 lei
Sange Albastru – Melissa de la Cruz – 35 lei
Revelatii –Melissa de la Cruz – 30 lei
Jocurile Foamei(hardcover)- Suzanne Collins- 30 lei
Sfidarea(paperback) – Suzanne Collins- 25 lei
Spulbera-ma – Tahereh Mafi – 30 lei
Divina comedie-16 lei (2 volume)
Crescendo-Becca Fitzpatrick -  25 lei

In acest pret nu este inclus si pretul transportului, care poate fi 8 lei, prin posta romana si sistem ramburs, sau 3 lei, cu plata in cont bancar.

Cartile sunt noi, citite o singura data.
Contact: Ramona Alexis, pe facebook, sau prin email :