miercuri, 9 ianuarie 2013

The Shadow Tour! Necessary Evil, by Adrian Lupsa!

Proaspat lansatul si tanarul scriitor roman Adrian Lupsa, autorul romanului Necessary Evil, desfasoara in perioada 7 ianuarie - 20 ianuarie un book tour de promovare al acestei carti. Va anunt ca si acest blog ia parte la acest book tour si ca pe data de 15 ianuarie 2013 veti avea ocazia sa cititi un interviu cu Adrian, folositor mai ales celor care se gandesc sa intre in lumea scriitorilor. :> Totodata, veti putea sa-i puneti chiar voi intrebari, prin comentarii. :)

 Va asteptam atunci! Intre timp, puteti arunca un ochi peste postarile celorlalte bloguri, daca doriti sa aflati mai multe! :)

Book Tour Schedule:

At almost eighteen years, Christine considers herself an adult, a grown woman, with her own principles and ideas about life, ready for every challenge that she would have to face. Or at least this is what she thinks. When her parents go on a business trip, Christine decides to invite the most handsome boy in school in her house. 
After a party with her friends, strange things start happening in the Taylor’s house. The girl tries to find out what is going on and in the same time wants to have a normal life along with her friends. Christine discovers a connection between the silhouettes inside her house and the dreams she has lately, but will she be able to regain peace knowing that she must release a greater evil?

XOXO, O seara placuta tuturor!

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