marți, 22 ianuarie 2013

Sabrina's review: Ordinary Magic by Caitlen Rubino - Bradway


I received this book free from the author in exchange of a honest review. Thank you very much, Caitlen!

At the begining, when Abby found out that she's an "ord", I thought that she will start to cry and everybody will support her. I thought that she'll go at that special school and she will learn history and other uninteresting things and she will have boyfriends, but I was wrong. Abigail Hale is a very brave and powerful girl, and her family treated her like she was theirs, even though she was "nothing". Everybody considered her family worthy of respect and when they found out that Abby doesn't have magical powers, they started to be distant. Even her classmates, even her teacher looked at her with contempt. What they did was bad, but Abby ignored them, therefor she didn't care. And when she arrived at her school in Rothermere, everything seemed normal. But the danger started to appear - the hungry goblins were hunting the ords and two adventurers - Barbarian Mike and Trixie - wanted to kidnap Abby. So when they had the opportunity to kidnap Abby, they did it. But the girl was very brave and I started to admire her for that.

My rating: 5/5

My opinion

The story was very interesting and, even though at the begining it didn't seem quite unique, I really liked it. There were moments when I was kept in suspense and moments when I laughed a lot. My favorites characters were the members of the Hale family. Everyone had something special; but I adored Gil from the very first moment. His jokes were making me smile every time and the fact that he was a writer impressed me. Also, Alexa, her bigger sister, was very nice. Plus, she was serving King Steve, so she was very powerful, smart and always prepared to replace her mother when both Abby and Alexa were far away from home.
Abby is a really nice character; she immediately managed to make some friends and I was really surprised when she offered to work (a lot) in the kitchen, for the entire school year without any complaints. She proved that she was very diligent and she accepted to spend her free time in the kitchen, washing dishes.

Oh, and another thing I loved about this book?
Flying carpets. I love flying carpets and I'm always going to love them.

I really like the fact that the humor was mixed with the action and magic and I enjoyed reading Abby's story. I love that, sometimes, there were some funny breaks in which the funny characters were involved (like Gil, of course). Okay, maybe Abby was making me laugh too, but Gil...
It would be awesome if I would have two brothers like Jeremy and Gil. Though, I'm really sorry for Abby. I wish she had magical powers. But then, the story would have been too ordinary, right?

Anyway, "Ordinary Magic is a book that really deserves five stars and you should read it. I hope that Caitlen will write a sequel, because this book really deserves one and I'm really curious what happens next.



 La inceput, cand am aflat ca Abby este un "ord", am crezut ca o sa inceapa sa planga si ca toata lumea o sa o sustina. Am crezut ca va merge la acea scoala speciala si ca va invata istorie si multe lucruri neinteresante si ca va avea iubiti, insa m-am inselat. Abigail Hale este o fata curajoasa si puternica, iar familia ei a tratat-o ca pe una de-a lor, chiar daca era un nimic. Toata lumea i-a considerat familia demna de respect, insa imediat cum s-a aflat ca Abby nu are puteri magice, acestia i-au indepartat. Chiar si colegii ei de la scoala, chiar si profesoara a privit-o cu dezgust. Era urat ceea ce faceau, insa Abby a fost puternica si nu i-a pasat, iar cand a ajuns la scoala, totul parea sa fie perfect normal. Insa pericolele au inceput sa apara - goblinii infometati ii pandeau si doi aventurieri isi doreau sa o rapeasca pe Abby. Asa ca, atunci cand au avut ocazia sa o faca, au profitat de ea. Insa fata a fost foarte curajoasa si am ajuns sa o admir pentru acest lucru.

Nota mea: 5/5

Parerea mea

Povestea a fost foarte interesanta si, desi la inceput nu mi s-a parut ceva foarte deosebit, a ajuns sa imi placa foarte mult. Au fost momente in care am fost tinuta in suspans si mi-a placut. Personajele mele preferate au fost de departe membrii familiei Hale. Fiecare a avut ceva aparte; insa l-am adorat pe Gil din prima clipa. Glumele lui ma faceau imediat sa zambesc si faptul ca era scriitor m-a impresionat. De asemenea, si Alexa, sora ei cea mai mare, s-a dovediat a fi foarte de treaba. Plus ca il slujea pe regele Steve, deci era puternica si desteapta si mereu pregatita sa ii ia locul mamei sale, atunci cand cele doua erau departe de casa.
Abby e un personaj foarte de treaba; a reusit sa-si faca imediat prieteni. M-a mirat si faptul ca fata a fost de acord sa munceasca extrem de mult in bucatarie pe tot parcursul anului fara sa comenteze. S-a dovedit a fi foarte harnica si s-a hotarat sa isi piarda timpul liber in bucatarie, spaland vase.

Oh, si inca un lucru pe care l-am iubit la aceasta carte?
Covoare zburatoare. Iubesc covoarele zburatoare si mereu le voi iubi.

Chiar mi-a placut faptul ca umorul a fost combinat cu actiunea si magia si mi-a facut placere sa citesc povestea lui Abby. Ador ca, uneori, sa mai fie si acele pauze amuzante in care intervine unul dintre personajele amuzante cu glumele lui. Bine, si Abby era amuzanta, insa Gil...
Cred ca ar fi tare sa am si eu doi frati ca Jeremy si Gil. Totusi, imi pare rau pentru Abby. Mi-as fi dorit ca povestea sa aiba o alta intorsatura. Dar totusi, asa chiar ar fi fost ordinara, nu?

 In concluzie, "Ordinary Magic" este o carte care categoric merita cinci stele si pe care nu trebuie sa o ratati. Sper ca (,) Caitlen va scrie o continuare, pentru ca aceasta carte categoric merita una si sunt tare curioasa ce se va intampla in continuare.

Un comentariu:

  1. Cartea pare interesanta si coperta e draguta, iar recenzia ta e foarte bine scrisa si sigur m-ai facut sa ma gandesc serios sa-mi cumapar si eu cartea :)

    P.S. Sper ca nu te superi daca las un link catre concursul meu aici :)

    Sper sa participi si tu :D


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